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Checkout Process

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Checkout Process

Views Campus Store’s homepage by going to www.unb.ca/sjcampusstore


Finds textbooks and add it to your cart.

To find your textbooks (including used, and digital e-resource versions):

Review your course syllabus and search by title

Or enter your course code in the search bar (eg. PSYC 1234)

OR enter the course subject in the search bar (eg. PSYC)

If you do not see any texts for your course, please review the course syllabus or contact your  instructor, as not all courses have textbooks assigned.


Open the cart and click Proceed to Checkout.                                                                                                                               



In the customer details portion, do not Log in or register for an account as the function has been disabled.                                                                         


Enter personal and shipping details.


In the shipping method portion, select preferred shipping method.                                                                                                       


In the payment method portion, select “Checkout” under payment method.



In the confirmation portion, check the box and confirm the acknowledgement of the terms and conditions. Then they click Buy.



Then, on the checkout page, payment card details here. 



Click “Checkout” to finish the transaction